Collaborative digital hub mobilises communities around corruption

A partnership between Indigo New Media, Concursive Corporation (US based Intel Portfolio company) and Corruption Watch has produced Corruption Watch Connected, a collaborative digital hub focused on mobilising communities around corruption.

"While we've brought the technology to Corruption Watch and to other South African organisations, it is not about the technology but about the business or organisational objectives and about how this disruption creates a collaborative ecosystem that achieves more in better, faster, more effective ways," says Janice Scheckter, MD of Indigo New Media, Concursive's South Africa partner.

More engagement

Those willing to engage with Corruption Watch and report corruption will have access to collaborative tools within the digital hub, allowing them to engage with the organisation but more importantly with each other.

While many social media platforms are providing good consumer and user engagement, issues such as security, policy and data privacy are important considerations.

Concursive's US customers include a number of state governments. The ability to create private engagement spaces for organisations such as these is critical. To do so with the assurance that the data is protected is non-negotiable not only for governments but also for businesses and NGOs such as Corruption Watch.

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