Writing web pages

This course covers how to write web pages using the latest SEO skills. It teaches you how to make the most impact with your writing, and how to attract the most relevant readers/ customers to your website.

Websites are a vital tool for businesses and companies to showcase their products and services. The copy on those pages has become increasingly important, as Google ranks those websites with quality writing higher in search engine results.

All websites have a number of static pages that need to be well written, from the home page, the about us page all the way through to FAQs and the contact us page.

This course covers how to write web pages using the latest SEO skills. It teaches you how to make the most impact with your writing, and how to attract the most relevant readers/customers to your website.

You will learn:

-Key web writing and SEO strategies
-How web writing is different to print
-Important copywriting basics
-How to write a homepage, landing page, product page, FAQ, contact us page and careers page
-How to draw readers to your website.

NB: This course focuses on writing excellent static pages. If you need to learn how to write articles for websites and blogs (pages that you will be constantly adding to your website), we have a number of specialised courses for this (writing articles for websites and blogs, magazine journalism and the basics of feature writing)

Course details:

-Modules: Six modules over 100 pages
-Duration: Course can be completed at own pace within six months
-Start date: At any time; applications all year round

Students must complete:

-13 writing assignments of varying length with feedback on each

Admission requirements:

-Basic writing skills are essential
-Computer skills, email and internet access required
-No previous tertiary qualification required

Course curriculum

Module one - Getting the basics of web copy right
-Content or copy? Is there a difference?
-Is online writing really different?
-Why people use online platforms
-How people read online content
-How the way we read online affects writing for the web
-Dealing with the 'dip in, dip out' audience
-Different copy for different websites
-Two assignments

Module two - Good web copywriting practice
-What is copywriting?
-What makes it different to other forms of writing?
-The seven stages of effective copywriting - audience, objective, message, structure, style, drafting and editing
-Two assignments

Module three - Different web copy for different web pages
-How websites have changed in recent years
-Writing the home page
-Writing the about us page
-Examples of good home and about us pages
-Two assignments

Module four - Different web copy for different web pages (continued)
-Landing pages
-Why do organisations use landing pages?
-How to write a landing page
-How to drive traffic to a landing page
-Two assignments

Module five - Different web copy for different web pages (continued)
-Products and services pages
-Case studies and/or testimonials
-Information and advice pages
-Creating news, articles and features pages
-Writing contact pages
-Careers, current jobs and recruitment pages
-Three assignments

Module six - How to write web copy that appeals to both humans and search engines
-What is SEO and what factors affect it?
-What are keywords and how important are they in SEO?
-Why writing good content is the best way to improve your SEO
-Organic and paid for searches
-How to format copy for web pages
-How to write good page titles, headlines and hyperlink copy

Date: 06 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 27 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 06 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 27 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 03 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 24 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 01 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 29 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 05 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

Date: 26 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,995

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com