Journos' writers gym

In a Nutshell: Do your writing muscles need a good workout?

Like any exercise, writing requires a good understanding of the basics; how to construct sentences, paragraphs, and build articles in order to tell compelling stories.

Review the basics and ensure you produce excellent clean copy every time!

Who should attend: This course is a Core (basic) level course, but will benefit any journalists who needs a refresher on the basics of writing. Although created for news journalists, this course is also suitable for magazine feature writers and sub-editors.

Delegates will learn:
•Adapting your style for different purposes, from hard news to opinion pieces;
•Structuring a story with tight story lines and great flow;
•Deciding what information to collect;
•Identifying and interviewing sources;
•Taking notes during interviews and press conferences;
•Composing gripping openers;
•Writing narratives to keep audience attention;
•Ending on a high note;
•Including additional information and graphical elements;
•Meeting your deadlines and when to stop writing;
•Rewriting and proofing your own work;
•Repurposing copy for digital platforms and hyperlinking; and,
•Giving each story greater reach through social media.

Date: 20 February 2018 to 22 February 2018
Time: 08:45 - 16:00
Venue: IAJ Offices, Johannesburg

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