Asara Pure Food Market

The vastly popular Asara Pure Food market is taking place on Monday 17 December from 10h00 to 15h00.

Guests can look forward to a spit braai and food stalls selling a selection of the best locally produced foods. It will also be a great opportunity to stock up preserves and other treats for the festive season.

"It's the perfect occasion to celebrate summer with friends while enjoying a variety of food, our Asara wines, craft beers and our spectacular view," says Pete Gottgens, Estate General Manager.

Seeing that it's the season to be jolly families can bring their kids to meet Father Christmas. There will also be pony rides and other activities such as face painting.

Entry to the market is free. For more information contact 021 888 8000 or visit or our Facebook page

Date: 17 December 2012
Time: 10:00 - 15:00
Venue: Asara Wine Estate & Hotel, Stellenbosch
Cost: Free

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