The ABC of writing a screenplay

Turn fantastic ideas into big screen spectacle with The Writing Studio's The ABC of Writing a Screenplay workshop that takes place on four Saturday afternoons from March 2 at the studio in Cape Town.

Calling all storytellers who would like to write for a visual medium, this motivational and inspirational workshop explores the art of visual narrative and the fundamentals of successful storytelling.

Writers will learn the fundamentals of building and telling a compelling story, how to effectively dramatise ideas, characters and plot, and examines the exciting world of contemporary filmmaking and films.

The inspirational and motivational workshop is ideal for ANYONE with an idea for a story. If there is something or someone you want to write about this is your opportunity to turn thoughts into words. It examines the principles of writing for film or television and what it takes to be screenwriter. Ideas are transformed into concepts that will be reworked into visual narrative filled with action, description and vibrant characters.

Following the workshop, the writers will be guided through the process of developing their screenplays through The Write Agency, and get their drafts shaped for the international film and television markets.

This outcome-based workshop explores the writing process, developing characters and mastering the art of structure. It is a basic workshop that explores the art of storytelling and the craft of writing a universal story that reflects the uniqueness, history and culture of South Africa and Africa.

The ABC of writing a screenplay is about writers connecting with the process of writing productively in their comfort zones and producing South African stories the world wants to experience. The duality of the interactive workshop nurtures creativity: it allows the writer to write instinctively and take an introspective journey into story; it also stimulates writers to write stories connected to their unique cultures, communities, history and experience that reflect the universal human condition.

In the tradition of 19 years of workshops in creative writing and screenwriting, the workshop is ideal for novelists, journalist and writers who would like to master the art of adapting stories into a visual medium.

The trainer is local writer, playwright, movie journalist and Education, Training and Development Practitioner Daniel Dercksen, who has been teaching workshops in scriptwriting and creative writing throughout South Africa the past 19 years, and presented a masterclass for international storytellers at the 2012 Kunjanimation Festival.

The ABC of writing a screenplay takes place at The Writing Studio in Green Point, Cape Town, on Saturday, March 2, 9, 16 and April 6 from 2pm until 5pm at the studio in Green Point, Cape Town.

Only 5 spaces are available for this uniquely interactive workshop, so it is advisable to register in advance.

For cost and registration, visit the website or email az.oc.oidutsgnitirw@spohskrow

Date: 02 March 2013 to 06 April 2013
Venue: Green Point, Cape Town

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