2009 AdFocus winners

The Financial Mail AdFocus Awards, with the theme of “Surviving the recession”, were held last night, Wednesday, 25 November 2009, at the forum | the campus in Bryanston, Johannesburg.
2009 AdFocus winners

2009 winners
Advertising Agency of the YearOgilvy Johannesburg
Media Agency of the YearInitiative Media
Digital Agency of the YearGloo Digital Design
Lifetime AchievementJohn Hunt and Reg Lascaris
New broom: up-and-coming starKhaya Dlanga
African Agency Network of the YearOgilvy Africa
Effective Advertising CampaignOgilvy Johannesburg: Shaking up KFC
Agency Leader of the YearRavi Naidoo

No award was made in the branding and design category.

Comments Marc Taback, Initiative Media CEO, “A fantastic win for us. I am so proud of all my staff - we deserve it ! We will be celebrating today.”

Khaya Dlanga, creative strategic director at MetropolitanRepublic, was once an Eastern Cape herdboy.

Guest speaker was BJ Cunninghame, who describes himself as a serial entrepreneur but who is best known for Death Cigarettes, which shook up the UK tobacco market in the 1990s with its brand promise: "Our product will kill you." Cunningham, who made his first fortune trading in second-hand classic cars, is now in business with his wife running one of the world's most exclusive handmade shoe designers/producers.

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