In celebration of Youth Month - June15 Brand Movement puts a face to ArcelorMittal's success

When ArcelorMittal South Africa approached June15 to develop a through-the-line campaign for the company's remarkable skills development program, the challenge to the agency was to come up with an insight that rings true in the South African context.

Unfulfilled human potential is a terrifying thing, is an insight based on the recognition that the prospect of letting South African youths' potential go to waste is too terrifying to contemplate.

There are two legs to the advertising which uses story-telling techniques. The first leg was designed to dramatise the insight, and through the exemplary story of a young Harvard engineering graduate - the only South African after whom a minor planet is named - demonstrate in human terms the depressing effects of wasted potential.

The second leg provides a reason to believe that ArcelorMittal SA's skills development story is a success. Real success stories are used in a way that glamourises the role models. While hard numbers are provided as evidence, the stories have a human thrust, putting a face to the company's skills development success story.

Shirley Moloi, Aggripa Ligege and Yuthika Murilal are featured in the ads:

Raised by a single mother with the help of her grandparents, Shirley Moloi (National Diploma in Chemical Engineering - Vaal University of Technology) escaped a life of poverty to fulfil her immense potential with the help of a bursary from ArcelorMittal SA. While in high school she attended the Science Centre in Sebokeng, one of several ArcelorMittal SA has built close to the communities it serves.

Agrippa Ligege was orphaned at the tender age of 14. He went on to defy the odds and complete a Bsc in Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Pretoria.

Yuthika Murilal was an academic superstar and ArcelorMittal SA awarded her a bursary to complete her degree - BSc Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials at the University of the Witwatersrand.

All three are currently in the employ of ArcelorMittal SA and are living proof of inspirational youth power.

This print campaign first broke nationally in April to celebrate 20 years of democracy and will be in the national newspapers yet again for the week commencing June 16, to mark Youth Month. It will be supported by a radio campaign.

June15 Advertising
June15 Advertising
June15 Brand Movement is an independent strategically driven full-service advertising & communications agency, offering above-the-line, below-the-line, Digital & PR.

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