1st for Women launches new campaign in support of Foundation

1st for Women has launched a new campaign called, 'Giving, it's what women do', in support of the 1st for Women Foundation, which focuses on two main causes: gender-based violence and cervical cancer. (video)

"Our new campaign is a departure from our norm because, for the first time, we have decided to highlight the Foundation and not the fact that women are a better insurance risk than their male counterparts," explains Robyn Farrell, executive head of 1st for Women Insurance.

1st for Women launches new campaign in support of Foundation

The Foundation was launched in 2005 and is funded by the insurer's customers, who donate a portion of their monthly insurance premium to the Foundation. Since its inception, the Foundation has donated over R30 million to a number of women-related charity organisations that focus on its causes.

Power of women

The new campaign was conceptualised by Black River FC, produced by Jump and Janet Sender and directed by Michael Middleton.

"It pays homage to the thousands of South African women, who every day work tirelessly to care for everyone around them - it salutes their selflessness, applauds their generosity and speaks to the collective power of women - ultimately acknowledging a woman's inherent ability to give, regardless of her situation or circumstance," says Farrell.

According to Ahmed Tilly, executive creative director at Black River FC, "We think viewers will connect with this story in a way that not only inspires and uplifts them, but also gets them thinking differently about women. Although the situation portrayed in the advert is a sad reality in South Africa, we were able to illustrate it in a positive light - focusing on the selflessness of women. This is a piece of work that we are proud of and humbled to be part of."

View the TV commercial

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