Put the spin on online sales with 360° photography

Why settle for static when you can give your online customers an 'all-angles' pass with 360° Product Pics?
Put the spin on online sales with 360° photography

Online and mobi shopping is on the rise in South Africa - latest figures from SAARF AMPS show that 1,254 million people shopped online or on their cellphones during the July 2012 to June 2013 period.

The key to making all these virtual shopping experiences seem more 'real' is 360° photography, by 360° Product Pics.

After taking multiple shots of the product from all angles, 360° Product Pics uses photographic technology to create a 360° high-resolution image that comes to life on any screen: smartphone, tablet or desktop.

So now customers can spin and zoom product images, looking at products from every angle.

It's all about giving customers real-life views and an interactive product experience, while giving retailers a greater chance of making the sale ... for two reasons.

First, being able to have a proper look at an online product boosts customer confidence in the product. And second, by getting interactive with products, customers stay on a site for longer; this ups the likelihood of their eventually clicking on the checkout tab.

360° photography delivers an interactive experience that no static product shot can ever hope to match ... which is sure to put a real spin on online sales.

Give 360° images a spin, or check out the full portfolio of Adam Houghton, the photographer behind 360° Product Pics.

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