SA's 'Street Store' takes Gold at Cannes Lions

South Africa's 'Street Store' entry brought home Gold for SA in this year's Cannes Lions.
[Cannes Lions 2014] SA's 'Street Store' takes Gold at Cannes Lions

The Design jury, led by Ije Nwokorie, Global CEO, Wolff Olins, judged a total of 2,624 entries and shortlisted 248.

They awarded the Grand Prix to 'Anti Bergen' in Norway for their design of the Bergen International Festival Brand Campaign.

A total of 12 Gold, 21 Silver and 34 Bronze trophies were also given.

Watch the case film of 'Anti Bergen':

South African agency M & C Saatchi Abel won Gold in design category with 'Street Store'.

Watch the film about 'Street Store':

South African Sulet Jansen from the agency Switch was a member of Cannes Lions 2014 Design jury.

We asked her opinion about the winners.

A work from South Africa won Gold. What was it that the jury liked about this work?

The jury members all agreed, that the 'Street Store' was a definite award winner. It was such a simple idea, which can actually make a change in the world. Even though a lot of designers feel very passionate about their work and in a way want to keep it to themselves, then in this case - they shared it with the world. This gave a much bigger meaning to it and pushed design towards new areas. Companies don't really want to spend big money on charity and that is where designers can make an impact.

How would you comment on the Grand Prix winner ('Anti Bergen' from Norway)?

The idea behind it was very single-minded. Also the execution on different levels of design made us feel that it really works in a 360 point of view. We still see a lot of projects with really traditional design applied on one type of medium. In 'Anti Bergen', everything worked great together. The identity itself can also be adapted, which makes it timeless.

There was another work associated with Nelson Mandela and South Africa that won a Gold award - 'Paper Prison'

This campaign was actually from the USA. I personally really loved it. It was actually part of a bigger project started by a couple of designers in South Africa. They asked everyone around the world to submit different posters for Nelson Mandela's birthday. Later, 95 posters were chosen and exhibited in various locations. This project managed to raise money to build a children's hospital. It is another example of design changing the world. As a South African, I was really proud.

It was nice that other countries participated because South Africa's design isn't really well known around the world.

Watch the 'Paper Prison' case film:

Watch the video interview with Sulet Jansen:

[Cannes Lions 2014] SA's 'Street Store' takes Gold at Cannes Lions

Hando Sinisalu is a producer of The Best of Global Digital Marketing and reports for Bizcommunity from Cannes.

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