Find and explore your write voice

The Writing Studio's The Write Voice workshop is essential for storytellers who would like to re-energise their creativity and sharpen their storytelling skills.

It takes place on Saturday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm on February 2, 9, 16 and 23 at The Writing Studio in Green Point, Cape Town.

It's a great opportunity for writers to explore their writer's voice and what they want to write.

The Write Voice takes an introspective journey into the art of creative expression and the craft of writing, and how to turn the seed of a potential idea into a profitable story that will evolve into a film, drama novel or short story.

The workshop allows writers to connect with other likeminded creators, with who they are as storytellers, and what they need to communicate to the world through the power of story.

During the intimate and motivational creative writing workshop, the writers will write a short story that will be read and evaluated at the end of the final session, allowing writers to hear their words in action.

The Write Voice is ideal for anyone who has a story to share, and need to turn words into action that will reflect the uniqueness of their culture, history and understanding.

The workshop is presented by published playwright Daniel Dercksen, who has been working independently as a film and theatre journalist the past 30 years. He writes regular reviews on the local film industry for The Cape Times TOTT, received the number 1 spot for most popular lifestyle contributor for 2012 on Biz Community, and writes columns for the 021 and Out Magazines. Dercksen created The Writing Studio, an independent training initiative, in 1994 and has since been training writers in creative writing, screenwriting and playwriting throughout South Africa, including a master class as the Kunjanimation Animation Festival in 2012.

For more information on The Write Voice that takes place at The Writing Studio on Saturday, February 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 2pm until 5pm, visit the website or email az.oc.oidutsgnitirw@ofni

the writing studio
Celebrating the art of storytelling and the craft of writing

Fax: 086 759 3291

Date: 02 February 2013 to 23 February 2013
Venue: The Writing Studio, Cape Town

For more, visit: