Business confidence seminar

At Makes You Think we work with, and provide advice to, many entrepreneurs and business owners. Few of the clients we worked with, ever understood, that business confidence is not a personality trait, it is not something that you either have or you don't, nor is it something which are born with or without. What business confidence is, is a state of mind and given this, your business can be developed if you're prepared to do the work which goes with this.

Why is business confidence so important to you and your results?
Any business person displaying high levels of business confidence tells the world in no uncertain terms that "I know and you know that I know." Such business people also display a high level of awareness and every bit of their demeanour tells everyone else that they absolutely back themselves, their business, their ideas, their goals, their plans and the results which they plan to post.

These business people are very attractive to others. It is as if they have some magical chemistry about them which makes others want to associate with them, be around them, partner with them, work for them, even invest in them and their business.
The business confidence which oozes out of them, effortlessly so, is because their confidence is a knowing; it is an inner certainty and absolutely nothing can change where they are headed, success wise. Their business confidence makes them appear bold, and, they are. This sets them free to go where their heart tells them to go, to pursue their dreams and honour their life's purpose. This business confidence gives them strength, style and charisma and engenders feeling of safety in those who are following their lead.
So, how do you, as a start-up entrepreneur, or, as the owner of a struggling small business, or, as the owner of an ever-expanding large business, or, as a corporate executive, develop your business confidence?

You do so by attending Makes You Thinks one day Business Confidence Seminar during which we will explore the following with you:

• Where does my business confidence lie?
• How do I access this existing source, which, is my current business confidence?
• How do I begin to build my business confidence?
• What mental machinery do I deploy to help build my new business confidence?
• What new mental picture must I construct around my new business confidence?
• How does my internal self-image align with my new business confidence?
• How do my strengths and weaknesses play to my new business confidence?
• How do I leverage my mindpower to accelerate the development of my new business confidence?
• How do I practically put this new business confidence in to play in my business?
• How do I build all this in to an even greater state of new business confidence praxis?

Business confidence is everything! It gives you the license to have a positive mental attitude about your ability to become competent in an area you may presently know little about. Your business confidence is what will move your business forward, or not...

Finally, always remember that your business confidence has everything to do with your faith and this explains why an individual who may seem to be "intellectually inferior" steps out and confidently pursues his/her business dreams, while his/her counterpart, who has all the academic credentials, fearfully holds on to a job they detest, while their business success dreams die in the mind. It makes sense to do what you enjoy and to do it well. The more you do it, the better you will become at it and the more enjoyment you will derive from it. All this builds your business confidence to the point where you are as "sought after" and just as "magnetic and attractive" as those who you so admire in business.

Date: 11 January 2013
Time: 08:30 - 17:00
Venue: Johannesburg
Cost: R 1135.00pm

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