SAIMC Cape Town Automation Awards

The Society for Automation, Instrumentation, Measurement and Control will present the winner of the "Excellence in Automation Awards' for 2012.

You are cordially invited to join the SAIMC Cape Town Branch on December 7 at the River Club Conference Center for the 2012 Automation Awards presentation and our end of year function.


1. Official Welcome (18:00)
2. The SAIMC, past, present and future
3. Automation Awards Presentation
4. Close
5. Dinner and professional networking

Please confirm your attendance with Juandre Whon by Friday 30 November 2012. Please note meal preferences on confirmation. R50 for members and R80 for non-members

Your contact:
Juandre Whon - 084 669 6696 / az.oc.terpla@WerdnauJ

Date: 07 December 2012
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: River Club Conference Center, Cape Town
Cost: R50 for members and R80 for non-members

More info:

3 Course Meal provided

For more, visit: