Essentials of broadcast management

Dear Broadcast Managers, Editors and aspiring broadcast leaders.

The Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership (SPIML) invites you to join our five-day management course entitled "Essentials of Broadcast Management" (EOBM) taking place from 19-23 November 2012. The course focuses on integrated strategies for managing key elements in broadcasting. It is specifically designed for broadcast managers - new, not-so-new and aspirants.

The course will provide participants with insights and practical skills to help them make direct interventions in their respective organisations.

Comments by previous participants highlight the quality of this course:

The make-up of the team and the quality of the lectures ensured that my expectations were exceeded. I have learnt a great deal.

I leave here with a deeper understanding and appreciation of why we need each other for survival and improved productivity and performance.

The quality and experience of the lecturers, and the value that this adds cannot be over-emphasised. We are extremely privileged by this.

For more information about the course, please refer to the attached brochure and feel free to pass this brochure to others in your company who might be interested in attending.

Please note that place on the course is limited and should you be interested in attending or would like provisionally book a place on the course, kindly contact the Institute's Marketing and Communications Officer. (Contact details below)

I hope to see you in Grahamstown.

Best Wishes

Linda Snam
Course Coordinator. Marketing and Communications Officer
Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership
School of Journalism and Media Studies
Rhodes University
Tel: +27(0)46 603 8949
Cell: +27(0)83 9788 449
Fax: +27(0)46 603 7527

Date: 19 November 2012 to 23 November 2012
Venue: Sol Plaatje Institute, RU, Grahamstown
Cost: R6500

For more, visit: