Professor Adam Habib Morning Seminar

CAF Southern Africa Morning Seminar with Professor Adam Habib -
Social Inequality in South Africa - the Implications for Philanthropy and Corporate Social Investment?

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Professor Adam Habib:
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Advancement
University of Johannesburg

Date: Wednesday 14 November 2012
Time: 08h00 for 08h30 to 10h00
Venue: Auditorium, Ground Floor, Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Seminar Fee: Corporates R300, NGOs R250 (excl VAT)

Professor Habib is a popular and respected political commentator, frequently called upon to provide expert opinion on television, radio and in the print media. In a recent Business Day article Habib stated: Only a serious agenda of tackling inequality and poverty is likely to establish the possibilities for a social pact and recreate the circumstances for stable and sustainable economic growth. He further challenges: we have the collective political will to truly address our extreme inequality?

During this seminar Professor Habib will share his views on potential solutions to South Africa's apparently intractable poverty and inequality, and suggest ways in which philanthropy and corporate social investment could be re-strategised to practically address prevailing inequities.

There will be opportunity to network with friends and colleagues over refreshments before the seminar begins

To book please contact Mihloti Mgimeti at CAF Southern Africa.
Places are limited so please respond by Wednesday 7 November

If you would like additional details please call Colleen du Toit at the number above

Date: 14 November 2012
Time: 08:00 - 10:00
Venue: Johannesburg Stock Exchange (Auditorium, Ground Floor), Johannesburg
Cost: Corporates R300, NGOs R250 (excl VAT)

More info:

Auditorium, Ground Floor
Johannesburg Stock Exchange

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