UCT Office Computing short course

Understand how to use the Microsoft Office Suite effectively in the modern office environment. Learn how to create documents in Word, spreadsheets in Excel, presentations in PowerPoint, manage email in Outlook and more.

The course in a nutshell:

  • Learn to use the Microsoft Office suite effectively in the modern office environmentl
  • Learn how to create documents in Word, spreadsheets in Excel, presentations in PowerPoint, manage email in Outlook and more
  • Office Computing short course is approved by University of Cape Town, presented online by GetSmarter, throughout South Africa
  • Results in a certificate in Office Computing from the University of Cape Town

Course modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to the Microsoft Office suite in the office environment
  • Module 2: Word processing: Editing and formatting documents
  • Module 3: Word processing: Managing graphics, page layout and using styles
  • Module 4: Word processing: Proofreading techniques and mail merge
  • Module 5: Spreadsheets: Editing and formatting documents
  • Module 6: Spreadsheets: Performing calculations, data analysis and working with graphs
  • Module 7: Presentation software: Editing and formatting documents, modifying slides and proofreading for presentations
  • Module 8: Inbox management, composing and organising emails, scheduling tasks and calendar management
  • Who should attend this course?
    This course is suitable for anyone interested in improving their personal computing skills and competency. More specifically, current and aspiring office administration clerks, secretaries, receptionists, personal assistants, admin clerks, as well as any executives, managers and business owners wanting to improve their efficiency, will find value in taking this course.

    Date: 23 June 2014 to 15 August 2014
    Venue: Countrywide

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com