Stakeholder reputation management master class

If you're responsible for ensuring that your organisation builds, sustains and protects its reputation with its stakeholders - including engagement, communication and relationship management responsibility, then - the Stakeholder Reputation Management Master class training course is essential as it covers all the key steps in designing and implementing a Stakeholder Reputation Management system.

This intensive two -day course provides companies with a structured approach to managing reputation through managing, communicating and engaging with stakeholders and will provide valuable information and provides valuable insight on how to comply with Section 8 of the King Code 3 on Corporate Governance.

Join like-minded colleagues to share and benchmark your organisation's stakeholder management practices.

Learning Outcomes - At the end of the course delegates will:

- Understand the what, how and why of effective stakeholder reputation management;
- Understand why and how reputation is derived from the way an organisation is perceived by its various stakeholders;
- Be able to make a business case for enhanced reputation management practices and stakeholder management in the organisation;
- Understand the benefits and some of the pitfalls in dealing with stakeholders;
- Have developed ideas for a practical and systematic approach to dealing effectively with the overwhelming demands and expectations of stakeholders;
- Be able to develop a robust stakeholder engagement and communications plan for the institution;
- Leave the course with specific ideas and action steps that will improve their sense of personal and professional focus and control and which will have a profound impact on the way their organisation is viewed by stakeholders;
- Have gained exclusive insight into what has worked for other organisations and learn about international best practices when implementing stakeholder management frameworks and strategies;
- Be able to explore new and emerging ways that can help deliver on the promise of building, sustaining and protecting an organisation's reputation.

Course Content - It covers:

- The Business Case for Effective Stakeholder Management;
- The impact of stakeholder management on the reputation of the institution;
- Why the King Code 3 advocates a stakeholder-inclusive approach and strategy;
- All about Stakeholder and reputation management best practices from around the Globe;
- The Principles and Phases of Stakeholder Management;
- How to understand the organisation in the context of stakeholder management;
- How to prepare for and carry out Stakeholder Profiling and Research;
- How to develop an appropriate Stakeholder Management strategy based on relevance and prioritisation;
- How to create the Stakeholder Reputation Management components -planning, organisation, communications and engagement strategies;
- The importance of Stakeholder Identification and Research - Information Collection and Database maintenance;
- Current approaches to stakeholder assessment, measurement and reporting including a discussion on Stakeholder Metrics.
- How to embed Stakeholder and Reputation Management thinking in the culture of an organisation;
- The benefits of improved stakeholder relationships, and the value of a Stakeholder Management system and its impact on corporate reputation;
- The resource requirements for an effective Stakeholder Reputation management framework, and
- How to use engagement, relationship building tactics and communication methods and tools to build and maintain a favourable reputation with stakeholders and comply with the King 3 Code of Corporate Governance.
- Exploring ways to enhance relationships with various stakeholders - targeting the media, employees, customers, suppliers, government and activists

If you're responsible for ensuring that your organisation maintains a favourable reputation and relationships with its stakeholders - this course covers all the key steps for your stakeholder management arrangements.

To register, contact az.oc.noci@noitacudenoitatuper or phone 083 425 4318 or download a registration form from

Registration and Fees:

- R7650 exc. VAT per delegate (Payable within five days of date of invoice)
- R8950 exc. VAT per delegate (Pricing if not paid within five days)
- R6750 exc. VAT per delegate for three delegates or more from the same business unit, payable within five days. Where payment will take longer than five days, a price per delegate of R 7650 exc. VAT will apply.
- R6150 exc. VAT per delegate - NGO's and Associations (Payable within five days of date of invoice)

Registrations and payments close Friday 20 July at 17.00 - If you are interested to attend, please note that places are on a first come, first-served reserved basis as only a limited number of participants are accommodated each time.

To register: Call 011 475 3515 or e-mail az.oc.noci@noitacudenoitatuper for a registration form.

About your Speaker and Facilitator

The course will be facilitated by Deon Binneman, international speaker, trainer and management consultant in reputation management. Deon Binneman has been in private practice for the past sixteen years and specialises in the building and protection of organisational reputation. He facilitates programs on managing reputation, minimising reputation risk, crisis management and communication response and strategic communication, and has done so in thirteen countries such as South Africa, Australia, Malaysia, China, Holland and Singapore.

See his Public Profile for more information-

I look forward in meeting with you and valuable sharing learning experiences. Hope to see you there!

Deon Binneman
Reputation and Crisis Advisor, Stakeholder Management Strategist, Public Speaker and Trainer
M: 083-425-4318 / PH: 27 011 4753515/
E: az.oc.noci@nibnoed
Reputation...Years to build, Minutes to destroy!

Date: 06 September 2012 to 07 September 2012
Time: 08:30 - 16:30
Venue: Apollo Hotel, Randburg, Johannesburg
Cost: See above

More info:

Date: 26 November 2012 to 27 November 2012
Time: 08:30 - 16:30
Venue: Apollo Hotel Randburg, Johannesburg
Cost: See above

More info:

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