Corporate training

ProVox Centre for Public Relations and Communication has a well established record for training public relations and communication specialists.

Depending on the needs of your organisation, we offer a range of practical, workplace-based professional development programmes based on different levels of experience. Training in specific areas, such as media liaison, can be provided as well as longer programmes comprising a wider range of topics.

We have information on the various specialised in-house and corporate training we provide. ProVox can support your organisation's skills development planning as well as its employees' personal development and career path.

A skills analysis can be conducted at your organisation whereby in-basket assessments and interviews can be done to ascertain the competency levels of employees with a communications element as prescribed in their job profile, as well as gaps for further training and development.

We could also assist the specific employees with a mentoring programme to ensure skills transfer within their working environment. Practising professionals in the field facilitates these programmes and mentoring.


The Centre presents the following professional developments in interactive workshops based on the clients needs. The workshops are customised according to the requirements of the client and sessions where delegates can practice their newly acquired skills in their organisational environment is a key success factor of the Centre's training methodology. Training can de done at the clients premises or at our training facility in Randburg.

• Strategic communication management (two days)
• Issue management (one day)
• Media relations and sensitisation (one day or two days)
• Media monitoring and evaluation (one day)
• Internet as a communication tool (one day)
• Protocol and Etiquette (one day)
• Project management in public relations (one day)
• Copy editing and proofreading (one day)
• Effective media release writing (one day or two days)
• Presentation skills (two days)
• Internal Communication strategies (two days)
• Reputation management (one day)
• Events management (two days)
• Crisis communication (one day)
• Lobbying and stakeholder buy-in (one day)
• Community relations (two days)
• Stakeholder analysis (one day)
• Government communication (three days)

By investing in professional development you can ensure you are best positioned to see your clients, employers and employees through increasingly competitve times.

It is a win-win situation for everyone!

Date: 28 January 2013 to 06 December 2013
Venue: To be advised, Countrywide
Cost: On Request

More info:

To be advised

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