Tanzania: Book Reveals Wealth of Zanzibar's Chwaka Bay

ZANZIBAR: Researchers have revealed that Chwaka Bay in South Unguja is an important coastal area in Tanzania. At a book launch in Zanzibar researchers reveal that the area has socio-economical and ecological benefits advising people not to use destructive fishing gear.

The book, "People, Nature and Research in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania" launched by Zanzibar Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Abdullahi Jihadi Hassan calls for the harmonisation of management plans to address local needs and problems.

The 346-page publication, put together by 26 marine science researchers from Tanzania, Sweden and Israel, focuses on socio-economic settings, coastal livelihoods, geological processes, costal vegetation, and carbonate production amongst other topics.

Read the full article on http://allafrica.com.

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