Love makes the world spin round in February 14th

It's the month of love and what better way to explore matters of the heart and aspects of love than with the quirky comedy February 14th, now on at the Artscape Arena for a short two-week run.
Love makes the world spin round in February 14th

In the tradition of films like Love Actually and Valentine's Day, February 14th is a romantic comedy that depicts the interlacing relationships and romances of 11 characters within a series of vignettes on Valentine's Day, delving into the meaning of the day and how various individuals approach love and its tribulations.

Written and directed by Jeremeo Le Cordeur, a young theatre-maker who has produced some praised theatre shows over the last two-and-a-half years, February 14th is what independent theatre in action is all about.

The essence of show business

It encapsulates the essence of show business, showing that if you take the talents of a young director and a vibrant cast filled with passion and enthusiasm, the end result is an amusing evening of live theatre, allowing its audience to have the time of their lives. As a group of young ladies said when leaving the theatre after wiping away their tears: "That was cute."

Falling in love, flirting with the notion of finding the right one and experiencing the zing of Cupid's arrows are all matters of the heart controlled by impulsive bliss and rational agony that does indeed spin the world out of control.

February 14th is not merely a light-hearted dissection of amorous encounters, but does have a potent narrative with meaningful intent. It's a play we can all relate to. No matter how cynical or lovesick we are. It perfectly balances conventional romantic liaisons in which lovers fall into a groove of repetition, with unconventional encounters in which forbidden fruits tastes the sweetest.

A gorgeous and sexy young cast

February 14th has a gorgeous and sexy young talented cast whose individual characters provide ample entertainment and amusement. One cannot help but want to help the various couples out of their lovesick misery into enduring ecstasy.

Richard Lothian and Sabine Palfi are great as the young couple trying to find their way through the maze of should and should not, questioning their intentions and the pros and cons of committing to a serious relationship. You might remember Luke Tyler from films like Dredd and Dark Tide, and will be surprised to see him live on stage as a mischievous and passionate young charmer who wants to have his bread buttered on both sides and make the most of love; who cannot identify with someone who wants to settle down with a wholesome lover, but explore the daredevil escapades of a risky affair.

Aidan Whytock, who delivered a great performance in I am Hamlet, once again shows how great he is at toying with duality, perfectly balancing the suave magnetism of a bossy chauvinist who only serves his own agenda and that of an irresistible but forlorn Romeo; he soon discovers that what you have in a marriage and what you want when it comes to love are two totally different things. He is well supported by Taryn J Nutt playing his wife.

Clayton Evertson is ideal as a troubled young Casanova who needs to come to terms with his own torment, with Kelly Eve Koopman as his guardian angel. De Wet Nagel is sensational in his role of teacher and lover, poignantly guiding a young teenager to understand his sexuality, with Le Cordeur in fine form as the young man who discovers that different love is not necessary wrong love.

February 14th is an intriguing play with colourful characters that draws you info the complexities and complications of love and loving without hitting you over the head with worn-out issues. It allows you not only to have a great time at the theatre with a loved one and friends, but also to take something home with you, realising that when it comes to matters of the heart, all that matters is that you have to believe in love, no matter what.

Booking is at Artscape Box Office and Computicket outlets and is on, Tuesday to Saturday until 16 February at 8.15pm.

For more information on the play, go to

About Daniel Dercksen

Daniel Dercksen has been a contributor for Lifestyle since 2012. As the driving force behind the successful independent training initiative The Writing Studio and a published film and theatre journalist of 40 years, teaching workshops in creative writing, playwriting and screenwriting throughout South Africa and internationally the past 22 years. Visit
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