Cosatu: national farmworkers strike is 'unavoidable'

According to Moneyweb, Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) Western Cape secretary Tony Ehrenreich said that workers were calling for "one day of action across the whole agriculture sector across South Africa" on Tuesday, 4 December 2012, adding in a statement that, despite their best efforts, the unions would not be able to avert a renewed strike by farmworkers.

Farmworkers suspended the action - in which two people have been killed and buildings and vineyards have been set alight - until Tuesday on condition the employment condition commission take another look at the sectoral determination for agriculture, but Labour Minister Oliphant said this week that the sectoral determination could by law be reviewed only in 12 months, Moneyweb says.

In a statement published on, Ehrenreich blamed "right winger farmers" for the stalemate. He called Agri-SA "an apartheid style farmer's organisation that wants to perpetuate apartheid style practices," and reveled that many "good farmers ... do not agree with the right wingers and their management of the negotiations ... are speaking to the unions separately to find pragmatic solutions."

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