Anglo American to contribute towards Transformation Indaba

Anglo American's commitment to concerted transformation, both within its own business and within broader South African society, has resulted in the company supporting the 2012 Transformation Indaba.
Anglo American to contribute towards Transformation Indaba

The Indaba aims to drive transformation delivery within the mining sector by providing practical and replicable solutions. The dialogue during the course of these two days will be enhanced by industry experts in the broad transformation arena.

As part of the company's support for the Indaba, Anglo American will provide considerable intellectual capital, with several company executives set to add their voices to pertinent transformation issues as keynote panelists. These people include Dr. Lia Vangelatos, acting head of Anglo American's enterprise development arm, Zimele, Yvonne Mfolo, Kumba Iron Ore executive head of Public Affairs, and Anglo American Platinum Limited head of Supply Chain, Clive Govender.

Anglo is well placed

Dr. Vangelatos will discuss Anglo American's successful collaborative approach to transformation when she sits on the panel for the session 'Public Private Partnerships: A Tool for Local Economic Development'. Further, Mfolo will serve as a panelist for the session 'Stakeholder Engagement: Your Communication Toolbox', while Govender has been confirmed as a keynote panelist for the session 'Procurement: SMME Development the Value Chain in Procurement'.

Anglo American is well placed to offer insight and advice on these issues, as the company has an impressive transformation record. In fact, the 2014 Mining Charter target of 26% ownership has already been achieved by all of the company's South African operations. Further, since 1994, Anglo American has completed approximately R67 billion worth of black economic empowerment deals.

Employment equity

Anglo American firmly believes that employment equity, like any transformation initiative, is about development and has made strong progress in furthering employment equity. As of December 2011 historically disadvantaged South African's occupied 25% of top management, 35% of senior management, 55% of middle management and 65% of junior management. In addition, the company has proved successful in attracting females to the mining industry, with women now constituting almost 14% of employees, and 24% of its management at all levels.

Anglo American South Africa's head of Transformation and Regulatory Affairs, Lindiwe Zikhali said that the company's involvement in the Indaba is closely aligned to its overall transformation aspirations. "In all of our activities, Anglo American strives to contribute meaningfully to the transformation of the mining industry and the country as a whole. This ethos is defined by our commitment to ensuring that the communities affected by our mining operations have sustainable, and long-term economic upliftment."

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