Fraud Awareness Week, Coca-Cola SA joins supporters

This week is International Fraud Awareness Week and around the world, official supporters will engage in various activities, including hosting fraud awareness training for employees, conducting employee surveys to assess levels of fraud awareness within their organisation and posting articles on company websites and in newsletters to highlight the problem of fraud.

Coca-Cola South Africa has announced its participation as an official supporter to promote anti-fraud awareness and education. Organisations around the world lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, according to a study conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).

It joins hundreds of organisations who have partnered with the ACFE in a commitment to proactively fight fraud and help safeguard business and investments from this growing problem.

According to Dave Wilson, asset protection and security manager, Coca-Cola South Africa, "The company will be providing interactive training for its associates to increase awareness of fraud in the workplace. We have determined that once associates have been exposed to this information, they are better able to identify fraudulent behaviour and to report it accordingly."

ACFE President and CEO James D Ratley, CFE, said that the support of organisations around the world helps make Fraud Week an effective tool in raising anti-fraud awareness. "While fraud prevention and detection is a year-round endeavour, International Fraud Awareness Week provides a great opportunity to spotlight this serious problem and stress the importance of anti-fraud training and education. Businesses and organisations who are involved in this campaign show an understanding that spreading awareness is key in combating the worldwide fraud threat. This marks the fifth year since Fraud Week became an international movement and once again, we want to say 'thank you' to all its supporters for making it a reality."

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