Open Day at AFDA encourages students to consider film industry

The South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance (AFDA) will have an open day on 15 November 2014 at its Durban campus to encourage parents and students to consider the world of film, television or performance.
Open Day at AFDA encourages students to consider film industry

The Durban school offers fully accredited undergraduate degrees with 22 different specialisations across the three schools of Film, Television and Performance and, since 2003, has increased its student numbers from 63 to 130.

The campus is located in Glen Anil at 2a Highdale Road. The programme will begin at 10 until 11am with appointment bookings before from 9am and after until 12 noon. Interested parties can contact Milena Gevers to confirm their attendance on az.oc.adfa@ganelim or call +27 (0) 31 569 2252.

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