94.7 Highveld show slammed

A forum posted on Bizcommunity.com on 19 February 2009 condemned what it saw as gratuitous mockery of Durban's Indians on that morning's 94.7 Highveld Stereo talk show hosted by Jeremy Mansfield and Samantha Cowen.
94.7 Highveld show slammed

The three-hour show on 94.7 Highveld Stereo was claimed to have mocked Indians' accents, clothing, habits and much else and prompted the offended listener to post the comment on this site.

It appears the show set out to “have some fun” but to some listeners and commentators on the forum, it went too far, was offensive - and the forum drew a flood of comments.

Read them here, and if you heard the show, or even if you didn't but you have a view on the issues raised, post your comment here.

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