Brands museum gets sponsorship

The Museum of Branding, Advertising and Packaging in South Africa, started late last year by Ken Preston of Affinity Publishing, has announced the signing up of founding sponsors, Sanlam, McDonald's, BP, Vital Health Foods, Eskom,, Europcar and Continental Outdoor.
Brands museum gets sponsorship

"They've helped us take several steps towards our ultimate goal; that of acquiring a bricks and mortar home for the museum's exhibits in the near future. This, we believe, will secure its position as custodian and narrator of our country's rich branding history," says Preston.

The museum is intended to conserve South Africa's branding history for future generations of marketers and consumers. It has a free-to-view website and its static and animated logo was created by Roy Clucas Design Process.

"As a website, it has already caught the imagination of marketing students and professionals, as well as the public. We have been delighted by the positive messages we receive through the site, which highlight the value visitors place on branding, and protecting our branding stories," he adds.

Interested parties can also donate or loan appropriate items for showcasing in this archive and contribute to the museum's ongoing search for information by going to

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