Terms of Reference agreed on for Press Freedom Commission

The Press Freedom Commission, has adopted new terms of reference, having worked through the draft terms given it by the initiators, PMSA and SANEF, on 7 July 2011 and appointed Dr Phillip Mtimkulu as its spokesperson.
Terms of Reference agreed on for Press Freedom Commission


1. The scope of the Commission's work will cover:

  • Research (of) the regulation of specifically print media, locally and globally. Self-regulation, co-regulation, independent regulation and state regulation will be examined.
  • Recommendations on the way forward will be developed and published to the stakeholders and in the public domain. The recommendations will represent the best regulatory framework suitable for South Africa and which is in conformity with the SA Constitution.
  • The process for the finalisation of the recommendations will be completed by the end of March 2012.

2. The Commission will work through desktop research, written and oral presentations, public hearings in five major city centres of the country, and visits to four countries.

Find the full Terms of Reference on www.pressfreedomcomm.org/terms-of-reference.

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