Z-Cards back for Ballito Lifestyle shopping centre

For the eighth time, the Ballito Lifestyle shopping centre has contracted PocketMedia Solutions to produce its Retail Therapy and Fine Dining Z-Card for distribution to its consumers, through strategically located dispenser boxes.
Z-Cards back for Ballito Lifestyle shopping centre

"Consumers can take one, free of charge, to enable them to find their way around the shopping centre with ease," says Ballito Lifestyle shopping centre's Tessa Woodley. "They can easily keep this with them in their purse or pocket, as it is as small as a credit card."

It acts as a small and compact guide to the shopping centre, with a key map which enables consumers to find their selected store, detailing the layout of the centre and including all store holders' logos on the back cover of the card, so that consumers can see which stores are located in the centre. It also provides the centre's website address and contact number should shoppers require any further information.

For more information, go to www.zcard.com

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