Has Motorola turned the corner?

Motorola performed better than analysts had expected in Q2, delivering net earnings of US$4 million on Thursday. Revenue was $8.1 billion, beating expectations by Wall Street analysts of $7.5 billion for the handset manufacturer.

Motorola's Home and Networks Mobility and Enterprise Mobility Solutions segments were among the best performing divisions in the company, according to Greg Brown, president and CEO. They delivered sales of $2.7 billion and $2.0 billion, respectively.

"These segments are well positioned to continue generating year-over-year sales and margin growth during the second half," Brown said. "In the Mobile Devices segment, we launched 10 new products and maintained market share, compared with the first quarter, while continuing to invest in our product portfolio."

This quarter, the company also made progress on its plans to separate Motorola into two independent, publicly traded companies, he added.

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