Nominations open for SABC board

Requirements and submission details for the nomination of SABC board members have been released by Parliament. The deadline for submission is 6 December 2010.
Nominations open for SABC board


Members of the board, when viewed collectively, must be persons who:

  • Are suited to serve on the board by virtue of their qualifications, expertise and experience in the fields of broadcasting policy and technology, broadcasting regulation, media law, business practice and finance, marketing, journalism, entertainment and education, as well as social and labour issues
  • Are committed to fairness, freedom of expression, the right of the public to be informed, as well as openness and accountability on the part of those holding public office
  • Representative of a broad cross-section of the population of the Republic
  • Are committed to the objectives and principles as enunciated in the Charter of the SABC
  • Are South African citizens permanently resident in the Republic

Written nominations must include completed and signed questionnaire (download from or they will not be considered. Nominations and enquiries must be emailed to TK Ngoma or A Nel, Portfolio Committee on Communications on az.vog.tnemailrap@amognt or az.vog.tnemailrap@lenla or faxed to +27(0)86 616 2806.

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