National Press Club vs Youth League: Stop making sense!

After Malema's eviction of a BBC journalist from a press conference, whose reaction made the most sense - the National Press Club's or the ANC Youth League's? [video]

If ever there was a press conference that called on the South African media to define itself, this was it. And the National Press Club, founded in 1975 as the Pretoria Press Club, made the statement in obdurate terms.

Faced with one Julius Malema, a man not yet 30 years old, the organisation drew on the experience of its years. In measured yet firm language, it expressed its dissatisfaction with the ruling party's youth wing. Politicians could not publicly call journalists “bastards,” it said, and should they do so, all journalists present should protest by leaving the room immediately.

To find out what the National Press Club said in full on Thursday, April 8, and how the ANCYL responded on the same day, continue reading on

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