Western Cape does Proudly South African proud

Breaking this week is an impressive example of what can be achieved with proud enthusiasm, efficiency and co-operative thinking in South Africa. The Independent newspaper group - at least that part of it in the Western Cape for now - has tied together a Proudly South African campaign on an impressive scale in a mere two weeks. Quick decisions and equally quick turn-around make this into a laudable piece of media efficiency. Watch it grow from a street corner near you.

"Argie" sellers in Proudly South African T-shirts, billboards, rather interesting roadside posters and the IOL news website, along with KFM radio coverage are some of the intriguing elements of a grand festive-period collaboration between the Cape Times, the Argus, the Independent's country papers, with [code], one of the creative hotshops of South Africa, and Unwembi web designers, to get behind the Proudly South African campaign in a most meaningful way.

Every year at this time this Independent Group looks at a worthwhile project to promote for the ultimate benefit of the country. This year it is Proudly South African. Having worked out a streamlined and valuable package for Proudly South African, the first element, a weighty insert in the Cape Times, is being launched today along with a concerted collaborative campaign.

This could be an exemplary challenge to the media of South Africa. It certainly makes for an interesting test launch before the national Proudly South African all-media launch in 2002.

The Independent has applied for Proudly South African membership.

Source: Proudly SA

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