Unhappy banker wants Sunday Times gagged - 16 Feb 2015

By Rod Baker

Banking giant HSBC has threatened the Sunday Times for exposing the wealthy South Africans who stashed R23bn in secretive Swiss bank accounts, demanding all this data be 'destroyed'.

According to the newspaper's report, the list of South African clients who held bank accounts with the secretive HSBC Bank in Switzerland include CEOs of top blue-chip companies, diamond dealers, sports stars and a key figure in the arms deal.

On a lighter note, we carry a Q&A with IAB Digital Summit speaker Eyabo Macauley. She is Head of EMEA Advertising at Shazam, and tells us why she thinks it's important for brands to create interactive content for campaigns...

And finally, last week Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding (@bizWazza) was joined in studio by Dillon Mann (@dillonmann), Head of Communications for the World Wide Web Foundation (@webfoundation). Check out the podcast for the show here.

Rod Baker

Content Director at Bizcommunity.com

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