Nationalisation a certainty says Cosatu

Despite denials from senior politicians in the African National Council the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) says that nationalisation is a "certainty" but the way it will be implemented is still a matter for debate, reports Times Live.
Nationalisation a certainty says Cosatu

The publication reports that Cosatu's economist Chris Malekane says that different models for nationalisation are currently being debated. He says the ANC task team appointed to investigate nationalisation was now exploring the "most appropriate" models to implement.

The task team's report is expected to be released in December this year.

In a separate development on the nationalisation issue, Frans Cronje, the head of risk analysis at the South African Institute of Race Relations, said that economic and political radicalism had led to calls for nationalisation.

In an article published in Business Report, Cronje said that an economic vacuum existed where half of black South Africans aged between 15 and 35 would probably never work because of poor education and a lack of access to labour markets.

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