New Wesbank campaign reflects online shift in customer behaviour

WesBank, South Africa's leading moveable asset-based financial solutions provider has launched its new advertising campaign reflecting its response to changing customer behaviour.

According to Chris de Kock, head of sales and marketing at WesBank, the campaign showcases WesBank's move towards innovative online solutions that help take the 'schlep' out of vehicle finance. "The way people engage and transact has changed. As people's lives become busier, they don't have time to deal with reams of paperwork or be placed on hold by call centres. As a result, we wanted the campaign to highlight how we as a brand are taking this to heart and are amending our offering accordingly."

Sizakele Marutlulle, CEO at Grey SA, the advertising agency tasked with conceptualising the campaign, says it was important to take the WesBank brand into the marketplace with a new and imaginative perspective. "WesBank is pioneering innovative new solutions by enabling its customers to sign documents online, check balances and receive responses to queries in real time, without needing to phone a call centre.

"It has been extremely exciting to be given the opportunity to attach a new vocabulary, terminology and vision to how people experience a well-known brand. This campaign shows how life without WesBank can be a battle."

The campaign features print, radio, outdoor and digital elements, all of which reflect the struggles that many customers generally experience through traditional engagement channels and how these can be alleviated through new online platforms which WesBank offers.

The outdoor billboards, which are displayed across the major metros including Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban among others - also showcase an innovative style. "The artwork on the billboards are actually photographs but have been manipulated to look like illustrations, which presents a truly new style that invites people into the design," says Marutlulle.

"We are extremely pleased with the campaign. To service customers effectively today, businesses need to listen to their needs and react appropriately. This campaign truly reflects the fact that WesBank is assisting its customers to interact in whatever manner is most convenient for them," concludes De Kock.

8 Jun 2012 09:50
