Shopping becomes fully mobile and cross-platform

(PriceCheck launches latest true Mobile Price comparison App)
Shopping becomes fully mobile and cross-platform

SA's leading comparison shopping destination goes fully Mobile with PriceCheck's new Mobile App, bringing the shopping mall to you, and making life that much easier. have revamped their mobile app, making shopping even more convenient, rewarding, and easier than ever before. The new app, available for download across all platforms (Google Play and Samsung App store for Androids, Apple iTunes App Store, and BlackBerry App World), comes with a fully integrated Barcode Scanner that allows one to scan and compare or review products in store. Users can now search through a database of over 30 million products, and by viewing all related products with the new PriceCheck Mobile App, consumers can compare prices wherever they are, i.e. at home or in store.

With over 600 000 unique visits per month, has always been on the forefront of making shopping more convenient and finding their users the very best deals. This App gives customers access to the PriceCheck database of in-depth product ratings and reviews at the push of a button, effectively making shopping a much more convenient and rewarding experience.

The Mobile App also allows users to:

  • Browse hundreds of categories

  • Rate and review products

  • 'Favourite' products for follow-up at home or in store

  • Share good pricing or reviews across Social Media instantly

Shopping becomes fully mobile and cross-platform

Simplified navigation as well as an integrated barcode scanner makes it easy to understand why more and more people are moving towards mobile comparison shopping. Google SA's statistics show that around 62% of Smartphone users have used their mobile phones to do a product search, with over 26% of users having changed their mind as a result of the information obtained while shopping in-store.

"Fifty-percent of consumers are spending more than half of their total shopping time researching products online or using their mobile device. Our Mobile site gets in excess 100 000 visit per month. These numbers are growing, and what we've done is make it easy for even our least tech-savvy users to get the maximum benefit from their mobile devices. By keeping it simple and easy to navigate, we've brought comparison shopping to consumers, right in the store. This App works, and it works really well," says Andre De Wet, CEO of PriceCheck, shedding light on the decision to increase mobile exposure and awareness.

After recently giving their website a facelift, focussing on shorter loading times and maximising the information on display when searching, PriceCheck Mobile has enabled customers to compare prices on not only products, but services as well. The new App allows users to search, compare, and even book flights from their mobile phone, further establishing PriceCheck as SA's leading price comparison service.

By providing their price comparison service in a mobile app, they have effectively broken down the walls between competitor stores. Users see a product in store that they want, scan it or search the details, browse through millions of related products and reviews, and are then allowed to make a truly informed buying decision. There really is no better way to shop than PriceCheck Mobile. Shopping has become yet another one of those things for which you can simply say, "I have an App for that!"

Check out the new PriceCheck Mobile commercials at:

About PriceCheck

PriceCheck, part of MIH internet Africa Group, is South Africa's leading comparison shopping destination and the user-base increases daily as more and more people turn to comparison shopping. On a monthly average, PriceCheck receives in excess of 600 000 unique shoppers searching for products on its Website (in excess of 10% are already on mobile). It is a highly targeted, lead-generation service and provides a highly regarded service for the man in the street that needs guidance with making a purchasing decision.

Get the app now (click on the icons to be directed to the respective app store and then follow the prompts):

14 Aug 2012 11:09
