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Social media - #whatisit? Depending on your school of thought, there are a variety of definitions - from tech-smart guys who focus on the logic behind it all define it as: "a set of technologies which make it possible for two or more parties to exchange information freely and easily" to those who refer to it as: "a web of authentic, real time conversation, thought, opinion and influence, in a digital space we can't see or touch". What this article serves to explore, is why people use social media and what this means for brands. What motivates the need for social media and what value do people and brands derive from this platform? #Whatisit?
Martmeri Roos
Martmeri Roos

Performance of identity and the need to belong

The idea behind social media is not new - we just gave it a name and enabled the norm to manifest itself publically through technology. From the first e-mail that was sent in 1971, to the domination of Facebook, social media has come a long way. Dating back in history, human beings, whether introverted or extroverted, have always felt the need to be validated, affirmed or to present an expression of self - Maslow proposed it as far back as 1943. Even the extroverted, self-assured "elite" of the social networks use it to enhance their social capital as much as the introverted use it to seek a sense of belonging. Some studies explore the relationship between social media and the psychological well-being (cognitive judgments of the self) of the individual. Most find that an individual's social capital has a positive influence on their psychological well-being. The opposite is also true. So in essence, both groups' motivation ends up coming out of the need to perform identity and to belong to something greater than they are.

Authenticity and relevance stay #winning

The true beauty of this realm lies in its ability to tell authentic, real stories that come from market conversations occurring in their most genuine form. We see a shift in the consumer that moves them from being just tech-savvy to a total reliance on this web of conversations. This reliance comes from the need to constantly satisfy the new consumer's "infolust". Consumers have this burning desire for relevant information NOW, to the extent that some debate surrounds the idea that "social" could be replacing "search". This perpetuates the idea that information on social media platforms is richer and more meaningful in terms of relevance to individual markets. This is precisely the value that drives individuals to their Twitter "timeline" at the mention of an entertainment legend's passing versus taking the time to "Google it" - it's the desire to satisfy the infolust immediately. What's also key to note is that information to do with brands and topical opinion issues that comes from a real place adds a level of trust and approval of those brands. "Real" people believe other "real" people because we know they can be trusted. There isn't a motive to intentionally endorse Vodacom when we tweet "OMW, I just got sent free minutes!! Vodacom stays #winning", it's genuine and therefore believable. So #Whatisit? Intangible human insights into tangible things.

#Whatisit for Brands?

  1. Boldness is greatness

    • In order to reach the reader in an engaging way, one needs to be bold, fresh and quirky.

    • A great example would be the "CloseTheTap" twitter campaign from FLOW (For Love Of Water) - by using tongue-in-cheek copy, one can make an immediate impact and start spreading the campaign in a fun and engaging way #CloseTheTap

  2. Create a tangible benefit

    • Participants in social media appreciate the tangible benefit they can get from their engagement with a brand

    • Another great example would be the Col'Cacchio's pizza twitter campign whereby customers were encouraged to tweet about the brand in order to receive a discount. #PriceSlice

  3. Belonging is the name of the game

    • When your markets make a move, move with them. Respond to them and acknowledge them. Keep the conversation flowing. Create a sense of belonging.

    • FNB does this well with RB Jacobs persona on social networks whose sole purpose is to monitor Twitter customer interactions - he engages with them by responding immediately, thereby continuing with the relationship and making them want to belong to FNB @rbjacobs

  4. Pin it to win it

    • Be authentic and relevant to your customers' wants and needs. Get to know the customer and respond to them on their chosen platforms.

    • The Kotex Pinterest campaign is a great example of how a brand can get to know their market by exploring what certain women want from their Pinterest profiles and then delivering these to their doorsteps. In return, women had to immediately join the conversation on various social media platforms and had to continue spreading the brand's kind deeds

Let's not be overwhelmed by this social media phenomenon, but rather embrace it. It tells our stories. It allows us to live out our identities. It builds tribes. If marketers can tap into these human truths behind social media behaviour, they can build brands that truly reach the hearts of their markets.

Issued by Nomonde Gama and Martmeri Roos on behalf of Yellowwood Future Architects.

11 May 2012 11:14



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