Achievement Awards Group calls 2013: The year of great ideas

It's said that the true value of an idea lies in what you do with it. Ask Achievement Awards Group - South Africa's leading human performance improvement company - what they're doing idea-wise, and the answer is simple: Plenty!

People are potential
The organisation, which specialises in innovative solution design to improve the performance of people and business, has embarked on a bold, new marketing campaign for 2013.

Let's mindshare

Based on the principle of mindsharing, the group has taken to market - in a series of diverse communications - ideas. Each idea is unique; yet all apply to business. And not surprisingly, the thinking behind this campaign comes down to a single, simple idea:

Instead of a push to the marketplace, make an offering.

So, in positioning its suite of products and services, which includes

Innovate innovation
Achievement Awards Group offers clients - existing and potential - the idea of Innovating the Way You Innovate. For, it stands to reason that if you keep innovating in the same way, sooner or later, innovation will fail.

Who wouldn't want to engage with a company that commits itself to constant and ever-changing innovation?

Clever, right?

Best of all, the ideas are all FREE! Yes, free - no terms and conditions - and easily accessible. Achievement Awards Group hosts its '2013 The Year of Great Ideas' Ideas Bank on its website. Watch this space.

Otherwise, get in touch with Achievement Awards Group directly.

You're in for an idea-enriching experience!

13 Feb 2013 10:07
