Rate of decline in value of building plans is accelerating

The steep downtrend in the value of building plans is accelerating, figures released by Statistics SA show.
Rate of decline in value of building plans is accelerating
© Ivan Kruk – za.fotolia.com

Stats SA conducts a monthly building statistics survey financed by the private sector.

The real value of recorded building plans passed (at constant 2010 prices) fell 1.3% (R938.4m) year on year during January to November 2015, Stats SA says. Previously, it reported the January to October 2015 value as having declined 0.2% (R113m), year on year

The value of non-residential buildings fell 9.8% (R1.7986bn) and residential buildings rose by 2,5% (R854,1m). In the previous bulletin, Stats Sa reported that it had fallen 6.7% (R1.120bn) for January to October 2015.

The real value of buildings reported as completed (at constant 2010 prices) increased 1.4% (R562.9m) year on year during January to November 2015.

Residential buildings rose 9.2% (R1.9209bn) and non-residential buildings fell 10.0% (R1.1778bn), compared with a 3.4% (R1.182bn) rise year on year during January to October 2015.

Source: BDpro

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