
Bizcommunity's soundbyte-size business news TO GO>>


Make possible the best podcast content with best possible exposure
Multi-channel audio content for multi-tasking audiences

  • Get in touch to discuss interviews for your key company and organisational leaders and spokespersons
  • Top story front page exposure for your stakeholders
  • Accessible via mobi app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, IonoFM and Bizcommunity
  • Choose to make possible content features such as BizTrends2023;
    HR & Management; Africa or bespoke topics.

Rates from 6K per single interview; 18K for 4 episodes; 150K annual sponsorship presence. (excl. VAT)

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Gerald Cloete
Your promotions within Africa's biggest multi-industry B2B communities start here.
Fill in your details below or contact us on +27 21 404 1460 or email and let's talk BIZ!


Top story exposure

  • Sponsored podcasts are featured as:
  • Front page top story and article with embedded multimedia
  • Distributed via industry newsletters
  • Shared via social media to 101K+ followers
  • Your branded episodes appears in:
  • Branded righthand margin multi-media widget
  • 490,000 readers
  • 2,7 Million monthly page impressions

BizTakeout Special Section Sponsorship

  • Your brand on podcast thumbnails - also appears when podcasts are accessed via Spotify, Apple podcast, 
  • BizTakeouts Special Section header branding is available
  • Visit Special Section
See it here

Newsletter exposure

  • Sponsored podcasts featured as article 
  • Ad space may be negotiated
  • Distributed via 5,7 million monthly newsletters

Mobile & Progressive Web App

  • In the palm of your hand - downloadable mobi and web audio player displays your brand (Link to BizTakeouts App)
  • Access to all BizTakeouts podcasts and news headlines
  • Podcast content shared via Bizcommunity 101K+ social media followers.